About GreeneStone
Private Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centre in Ontario
Overcoming the challenges of addiction and alcoholism can be incredibly difficult. At GreeneStone Centre for Recovery, we partner with you or your loved one to create an individualized treatment approach to achieve that goal through counselling and therapy. GreeneStone is a CARF accredited, premier treatment facility providing a nurturing environment that promotes healing and long-term sustained recovery. The Centre is situated on over 40 acres near Lake Muskoka, just two hours north of Toronto.
GreeneStone offers several types of addiction treatment plans for alcohol and drugs, including Medical Detox, Primary Treatment, and Second Stage Treatment for extended counselling and support. We are committed to providing this range of addiction treatment services to best meet our clients’ needs as they progress through the various stages of their recovery.
Call (855) 821-5010 to Learn More
Family Program Helps You Support Your Loved One Through Addiction Recovery
Build the skills and resilience you need to be there for a family member or friend in need.

GreeneStone is a premier, CARF accredited private residential treatment facility that prides itself on delivering a bespoke, client focused approach to recovery. The Centre offers Medical Detox, Primary Residential Treatment, a Young Adult Track and Second Stage Treatment for extended support.
At GreeneStone we recognize the importance of delivering treatment plans that are tailored to each client’s specific goals. Each of our client’s recovery journey starts with a biopsychosicial evaluation and a psychiatric assessment to help inform an individualized and holistic treatment plan.
The Centre is situated on over 40 acres near Lake Muskoka, in a nurturing environment that promotes healing and long-term sustained recovery.
GreeneStone has been helping our clients kick-start their recovery journey for over a decade. Our Intake team is available to help everyone who calls the Centre make the best choices for their recovery and will provide support, regardless of what path each individual decides to take. If you are ready to take the first step into a life of freedom, contact us today at 1.855.955.5501, or information@greenestone.net
“At GreeneStone, we honour and celebrate the diversity of our clients. Our inclusive community is a welcoming and safe place for all.”