Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Ontario

Take Your Life Back, One Step at a Time with Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Alcohol addiction is extremely common in Canada. An estimated 18 percent of the Canadian population will struggle with alcohol addiction at one point in their lives.
Not only can drinking too much wreak havoc on your physical, mental, and emotional health — it also affects everyone around you.
If you’re worried you or someone you know might be addicted to alcohol, don’t worry. Alcochol addiction help is closer than you think.
The best thing you can do when dealing with alcohol addiction is deciding to seek treatment.
You have a much greater chance of achieving lasting sobriety when you learn the tools to quit for good. Through alcohol addiction therapy and the opportunity to meet others on the same recovery journey as you, you’ll be able to better manage your addiction and resist the temptation of alcohol.
Call 1-855-821-5010 to Get Help Now
The Negative Effects of Too Much Alcohol
Has alcohol had negative effects on your life, but you’ve continued to drink despite the consequences?
This is a warning sign of addiction. Not only does consuming too much alcohol have dangerous short-term side effects, but it can also cause serious long-term health problems as well — and it can even be fatal.
The Warning Signs of Alcohol Addiction – Signs You May Need Help
If you believe you or a loved one is going through addiction, there are many signs to look out for that point to a problem. The person may experience a variety of physical, psychological, and behavioural changes, such as:
- Poor performance and missed days of work or school
- Neglecting responsibilities
- Loss of interest in hobbies and social life
- Feeling hopeless
- Memory problems
- Concentration problems
- Defensiveness
- Fatigue or insomnia
- Experiencing mood swings
- Poor judgment
- Worsening of underlying mental health conditions like anxiety or depression
- Poor personal hygiene
Experiencing one of these signs doesn’t necessarily signal addiction, but, if you’re experiencing several of them, then it may be time to ask for help.
Looking for A Holistic, Individualized Approach for Alcohol Addiction Rehab in Ontario?
Choose GreeneStone Centre for Recovery
We Will Help You Find Lasting Sobriety in Ontario
GreeneStone Centre for Recovery has been helping people recover from alcohol addiction for many years. Located in the heart of Muskoka, Ontario, we provide everything you need to get back on track. Our CARF-accredited recovery centre has helped thousands of patients find lasting sobriety through our inpatient treatment program. No matter where you’re at in your recovery journey, our diverse and inclusive community welcomes people from all walks of life.
We Treat People, Not Alcohol Addictions
Choosing an alcohol addiction treatment program in Ontario can be hard, but rest assured that you’re in good hands with our qualified team of experienced professionals.
Our clinicians, medical, hospitality, and wellness teams work together to get you on the path to recovery. We know that alcohol addiction doesn’t look the same for everyone, which is why we tailor our comprehensive and innovative program to your individual needs. Not only will you be able to work through existing trauma with a licensed therapist, but you’ll also receive treatment for any underlying and concurrent disorders that may be contributing to your alcohol addiction.
Everything You Need in One Place
When you enroll in our inpatient program, you’ll have all the tools you need to recover at your fingertips.
We offer onsite medical detox, private and comfortable accommodations that feel like home, wellness activities, process group therapy, and evidence-based individual therapy that treats the individual as a whole.
Continuing Care Throughout Your Recovery Journey
One of the things our patients love most about GreeneStone is that care doesn’t stop when you finish the program.
We also offer second-stage treatment, ongoing aftercare, and an Alumni program to help keep you on track. You’ll walk away equipped with all of the support you need to continue healing after your stay with us.
Steps for Getting Started with Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Ontario
A common barrier to seeking help is not knowing what to expect during alcoho addiction treatment. Our team at GreeneStone will ensure that you have a clear understanding of what you can expect when you start with alcohol addiction rehab in Ontario:
- Deciding to seek help. If you’re reading this, you’ve already taken an important step in the right direction!
- Give us a call at GreeneStone to speak with someone on our team of qualified intake professionals. You may have a loved one, physician, or friend on the call with you for support if it makes you more comfortable.
- You’ll complete a comprehensive intake phone assessment. This includes an overview of your medical and substance use history to help us determine which level of care is best for your unique needs.
- When you arrive at our recovery centre, you’ll stay in a private stabilization room in the medical facility so you can medically detox. Our medical team will make sure you’re able to detox comfortably and safely so you can start treatment feeling good.
- After detox, you’ll be moved into your private or semi-private room and start treatment. You’ll also get to meet your care team and ask any questions to ensure you feel at home.
Gain the Tools Needed for Lasting Recovery at Our Alcohol Rehab in Toronto, Ontario
If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol use disorder, treatment can help you build the foundation for lasting change.
Give us a call at GreeneStone Recovery Centre to speak to our intake team, to start your recovery journey today.
How to Know When It’s Time to Seek Help
If you or someone you know are one of the 8 million Canadians who struggle with drinking too much, you may be wondering how to get help with alcohol addiction. Even though admitting you have a problem is hard, it’s important to remember that there’s no shame in reaching out for support. Substance use disorder is a treatable illness. Knowing when it’s time to seek help is the first crucial step in your recovery journey. Making the decision takes courage, but remember that you don’t have to suffer in silence.
Whether you’re trying to figure out if your substance use is bad enough to get help, or you’re worried about supporting a loved one who’s struggling, you have options. Everyone’s journey is different, but you don’t have to hit rock bottom to make a change.
If you’re having a hard time admitting you have a problem, the best place to start is to think about what negative effects alcohol has had on your life. If you’ve repeatedly tried to quit drinking without success despite the consequences, then you may want to consider treatment.
Call 1-855-821-5010 to Get Help Now
Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
Another common reason why people seek help is that they experience alcohol withdrawal syndrome when they try to quit on their own. When the desire to ease the withdrawal becomes greater than the desire to abstain from alcohol, it can become a vicious cycle — one that’s hard to break without medically detoxing.
You may want to consider seeking help when alcohol is at the root of severe consequences like these:
- Causing harm to yourself or others
- Loss of your job
- It’s taken a toll on your finances or you’ve become homeless
- Being expelled from school or college
- Being arrested or receiving a DUI
- Your relationship or marriage is over
Lastly, if your life revolves around alcohol, then it’s a sure sign it’s a good idea to talk to someone. If drinking is constantly on your mind and it controls your every move, then it’s time to free yourself of the addiction. Our treatment programs can help you get your life back.
Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Withdrawal is a dangerous part of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS), which can occur in people who have become dependent on alcohol. If you drink for days, months, or even years, you may experience a variety of unpleasant effects when you stop drinking. You may start to get uncomfortable anywhere from a few hours to 24 hours after your last drink.
The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal range from mild to severe, depending on how much a person drinks regularly. Heavy drinkers who suddenly reduce or quit drinking “cold turkey” are more likely to experience the effects of withdrawal.
The most common withdrawal symptoms may include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Headache
- Shakiness and trembling
- Restlessness
- Disturbed sleep
- Fast heart rate
- Loss of appetite
- Anxiety
Severe Alcohol Withdrawal
Unfortunately, some of the symptoms that come with withdrawal are even worse in people who have been drinking for prolonged periods. Since it takes more and more alcohol to achieve the same effect as time goes on, people with long-term alcohol use disorder can develop a tolerance. These people are at a higher risk of experiencing severe alcohol withdrawal.
Severe alcohol withdrawal can be extremely dangerous — and sometimes fatal. As the alcohol begins to leave your system, you’re at risk of life-threatening symptoms like delirium tremens, also known as “the DTs.” You may begin to experience tremors, high blood pressure, confusion, hallucinations, or even seizures in the most extreme cases.
If you believe you’re at risk of experiencing severe alcohol withdrawal, it’s crucial to look for a hospital or inpatient alcohol addiction treatment in Ontario to safely detox. Medical professionals can help you avoid the dangerous and uncomfortable symptoms that come with withdrawal.
Chronic Diseases and Conditions
With chronic alcohol use, withdrawal isn’t the only cause for concern. It can also lead to various chronic life-threatening diseases and conditions, such as:
- Liver scarring or liver failure
- Inflammation of the pancreas
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Cancer
- Decreased bone density